A Guide to Dustless Blasting


What is involved in dustless blasting? Dustless blasting makes use of water and abrasive mixed together inside a dustless blaster tank. With the inclusion of water, the mass and energy output of the machine is increased and dust is eliminated. If we were to throw both a handful of dry sand and a handful of wet sand on a target, which would you think will make a more significant impact on the target? The wet sand will definitely hit the target harder and it will not disintegrate in a cloud of dust like the dry sand will. With that simple illustration, dustless blasting is pictured in a simple way.


Here are some of the advantages of the dustless blasting system compared to the dry blasting method.


It only takes a short time if you use dustless blasting. In a matter of 2 hours, dustless blasting can strip a car.?


You can hardly notice any dust while you work. What eliminates the dust is the presence of water which traps the abrasive and is grounded.


The consumption of abrasives in dustless blasters is at minimum.  With dustless blasting you use less media but more work is done.


Dustless blasters are very flexible when it comes to abrasives. You can use any type of abrasive, as long as it sinks in water,  in your dustless blaster.


There is no warping with Dustless Blasting. Because the water prevents friction, it will not warp thin metal like sandblasting will.


With proper Surface Preparation, workers using dustless blasting machines are free from any hazards. The use of glass bottles is safe because it does not contain free silica which is the cause of silicosis.


With dustless blasting, less containment is needed. Sometimes expensive, time consuming containment need to be set up, but not with dustless blasting.


The surface of the unit is left paint ready after the dustless blasting job. Similar data about this are disclosed at http://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Sandblasting&redirect=no. The dustless blaster has a rust inhibitor which decontaminates the metal and the end result is a clear, chloride free surface that can soon be painted.


Dustless blasters can use any type of abrasive as long as it sinks in water and does not dissolve. Recycled bottle glass is the  best type of dustless blasting abrasive not only because it is eco-friendly, but it is also clean, cheap and can be used in a wider variety of blasting jobs. Make sure that, if you are not using bottle glass, you check that it has not much trash and that its particle sizes are consistent. If the abrasive has much trash or dirt then it will become mud and settle inside the machine.


The size of the nozzle and the abrasive flow will determine how much of abrasive to use to strip a car. With 4-6 bags of glass, you can strip a car  in 2 hours.  If you increase your glass bags to 8 to 10, then you can reduce your stripping hour to an hour.